Studio Secrets A to Z - Dana Miller

Dana Miller is a poet, author, and musician whose work has appeared in publications such as Postscript Magazine, Better Than Starbucks, Fairy Piece, FERAL: A Journal of Poetry and Art, L.A. Weekly, Sledgehammer Lit, ChillFiltr Review, Small Leaf Press, The Avenue and many more. Having completed all coursework for a Doctorate in Modernist Literature, she is currently making significant headway through her dissertation on Anglo-Irish Women Writers. When she is not writing or tending to her many literary projects, she enjoys surf culture, Australian grunge rockers, muscle cars, Epiphone guitars, glitter, and playing music with her untamed Oz band.


Studio Secrets A to Z - Eyal Amir - Part 1


Studio Secrets A to Z - Joshua Watson Pt. 2