Register for a workshop

  • Song selection, targeting a demographic, arrangement, tempo/tempo mapping, groove motors.

  • Microphone and gear selection; drums, guitar, piano, vocals; miking techniques and tricks.

  • Signal routing, making and enhancing dynamics, creating space and adding color to different instruments using EQ, compressors, gates/expanders, distortion, modulation fx, spatial fx (echo and reverb).

  • Complete overview of the mastering process; learning to listen and evaluate the final mix from the mastering engineer's perspective; techniques to enhance and create the final master mix for various delivery platforms (streaming, CD manufacturing, iTunes, radio); mastering for vinyl.

Participants are responsible for accommodations and for travel to and within Prague, including to and from the studio. Registration fee covers workshop at Studio A, Karlín only. The studio is conveniently located on the Metro in Prague 3. Hotel Florenc (Křižíkova 275/11, 186 00 Praha 8-Karlín) and the Hilton Hotel (Pobřežní 1, 186 00 Praha 8-Karlín) are nearby

A maximum of ten participants will be selected to participate in this unique hands-on workshop. All three workshop leaders will be sharing their expertise over all three days.

Immerse yourself in all stages of creating a radio-ready song. 
Over 250,000 hours of experience in three days.

Learn the secrets of production, recording, mixing, and mastering with veterans Vlado Meller, Anthony J. Resta, and Karyadi Sutedja. Over 60 Grammy, gold and platinum awards combined.

​Spend your evenings in the picturesque city of Prague among castles and foliage

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